Wednesday 5 November 2008

Obama Leads Democrats to Impressive Victory

I know that I am a fierce critic of everything government and corporation oriented. But even I have moments where I stop to admire people who have achieved something, even if they are sitting on the other side of the fence, or playing for the opposite side.

I must say that Obama's victory and subsequent speech inspired even me who is a total opponent of the American two-party system. Obama almost made me into a believer, so I can only imagine how he has moved and inspired all those who have been fighting for his presidency for the past 21 months. What a speech! Very powerful words and full of promises; it was the climax of a brilliantly organized and well fought campaign. Even McCain was admiring Obama in his concession speech.

Obama Victory Speech on You Tube

McCain Victory Speech on You Tube

In this post, I will say nothing critical or insulting about Obama or the US government. I really want to believe that Obama is not just blowing steam, but that he will really change the US and consequently the world in a good way. From foreign policy to corporatocracy, he has made a lot of big promises, and I really hope, for all of us, that he will deliver on these campaign promises.

Obama was absolutely right about one thing in his speech last night - The work does not stop here. The work never stops! Those people who worked so hard at bringing him to the White House, are now going to have to work twice as hard to make sure he is not corrupted by the system which he is about to enter. The position of president has been marginalized, and it will be very tough for Obama to break through all the Washington bureacracy and red-tape to get any major accomplishments. But I'll stay optimistic; expect the worst, but wish for the best.

The old Chinese curse had it right: "May you live in interesting times..."

Result Recaps, click on the image to see it in big (Images courtesy of CNN):

Election victory in the News:

NYTimes - After a Decisive Victory, Obama Chooses Transition Team as Challenges Loom

Reuters - After Historic Win, Obama Looks to Future

CNN - Obama's Victory Caps Struggles of Previous Generations

BBC - World Leaders Hail Obama Triumph

International Herald Tribune - Campaign Done, Obama Pulls His Team Together

NewsWeek - Hey, Mr. President-Elect, Got a Minute ... or 10?

MSNBC - Obama turns to building his administration


blackromance said...

Yeah, Expect the worst, hope for the best. That about sums up my feelings on the issue at hand as well. Everyone going crazy and celebrating last night just makes me nervous. It was as if they thought that they had truly won a victory, which to be honest, they haven't. They got their foot in the door, took the first step to one form of change. I'll celebrate in four years when it's all over - if it goes well. Then I can say I voted for the right man. Until then, he's on probation in my mind.

dapit said...

Obama win the election, eh?

ZenZiggy said...

Thank you both for your comments.

Blackromance -> I agree with you entirely. The fact that everyone is so behind Obama (even McCain it would seem) is a little scary. I am more nervous though about the upcoming 'event' mentioned by Powell and Biden in separate interviews, which is supposed to occur after he takes office. Obama is on probation for me too, but it already looks like he is about to lose this status. Check todays post... :) I am very reluctant to believe that he is really fighting for the little guys...

Dapit -> I am not quite sure what you mean. Can you please elaborate?