Monday 3 November 2008

Obama Will Take The Prize

It's the night before the election. And the pollsters have already dug a grave for John McCain. If you take a look at the most recent polls, you will see that Obama is leading McCain with a minimum of 6 points and a maximum of 13 points, depending on who you believe. But the commentators are trying to throw a monkey wrench into the equation by saying that people are 'unpredictable' and that they might change their mind once they get to voting. Please click on the following image to see the pre-election poll results from three major pollsters. Images courtesy of the BBC.

I don't think these people have stopped for a moment to admire the brilliant campaign Obama has been running. Ever since the primaries of the Democratic Party, Obama's campaign machine has been exceptionally well greased and has been pushing forward through all sorts of obstacles. They have made Obama into a cult figure, and have actually managed to convince a lot of people that he will bring about the "Change you can believe in."

As much as I would like to believe that, the fact that Obama's major political contributors are a who's who of the important banks and corporations, I find it very hard to believe that Obama is looking out for the people. In fact, there has been chatter of an "event" that the next US president is going to have to face as he enters the White House. Both Joe Biden and Colin Powell have mentioned this event, and Powell is an Obama supporter, while Biden is Obama's running mate. For more information on this, please check out this You Tube Video.

Obama is a perfect symbol of change, evolution; out with old, in with the new. He has to win, if the American people are to "have a hope for a better future." At least that's the image being created for Obama by the mainstream media.

So on that note I leave you. I am only going to recommend one article today, but an article that I definitely think is worth reading...

Global Research - A Second 9/11: An Integral Part of US Military Doctrine

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