Tuesday 21 October 2008

Don't Mind the Economy, Obama is Beating McCain

Obama opened a 10 point lead today over rival John McCain according to a Journal/NBC poll. This could be interpreted as people thinking that he is a better politician. I instead choose to interpret like this: Obama has raised $150 million in campaign contributions for the month of September. This broke all election financing records and dwarfed McCains allowed $84 million budget.

So While Obama is grossly outspending McCain and his ads are running at a 4-to-1 ratio compared to McCains, its no wonder that the American public has taken a liking to the Illinois Senator. The fact that McCain keeps putting his 72-year-old foot in his mouth regularly, and that Colin Powell endorsed Obama over the weekend, might just have put the last nail in McCains political coffin. Does anyone still think he has a chance to win?

I do prefer Obama to McCain, but the American people need an honest politician in office. Please see yesterdays post for campaign contributions to see who 'owns' the two candidates. Obviously, even though Obama looks and acts a lot better than Bush and McCain, and assuming he genuinely wants to help the American people, he will be VERY limited in what he will be able to do. His political backers own Washington anyway, and will be expecting a return of favors. Besides, look at the article at the bottom about fake Obama contributions. Very interesting read.

So go out and get informed about the banks and the financial crisis, because in the end, unless you are making over $100k per year, you will inevitably suffer because of the current financial situation. You don't own any stock you say? You work for the government so your job is safe? Well the several Trillion dollars about to be spent to bail out the banks and give them a free lunch after they screwed all of us through interest rates and bank fees, will lead to a VERY high inflation rate.

So when you are paying 10% more for everything from bread, butter and milk, to gas, cars and insurance, remember who got the short end of the stick during the bailout of the American economy.

There is a man who is trying to do something about this (and running for President of the US in 2008). You might have heard about him, his name is Ron Paul. Check out his Campaign for Liberty Website for more information about how you can participate.

At least watch this You Tube Video with a Ron Paul interview to get an idea of what he is about. You can see that at least he is trying to solve the real problem, and not worrying about getting elected or keeping his backers happy...

More Readings:

Reuters - Obama Opens Double Digit Lead Over McCain

Reuters - Obama Raises Record $150M in September

Washington Post- Questions About Online Controls Follow News of Fake Obama Donors

New York Times - Fictitious Donors Found on Obama Finance Records
(Very good article, indicating America's new darling politician isn't so squeaky clean after all. Please don't insult my or your own intelligence by suggesting he had nothing to do with this.)

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