Saturday 11 October 2008

Introduction to Zen Ziggy

This is my first ranty post, and will likely not be read by many people, so here goes:

First of all, I should introduce myself. I am an almost 30-year old, Montreal-based finance major who works for one of the top 5 Fortune 500 companies (don't ask which one, I prefer to stay anonymous so they don't fire me!). My interests lie mainly in music (!), internet business, reading about ancient civilizations and history in general, sports (especially soccer) and of course finance. I actually have lots more interests, but I am not going to bore my non-existent audience with those! This blog will be a little out there, and I am not afraid to be controversial and step on a few toes to get an idea across...

Bear with me here as this is my first blog post on my first blog, so it might not be following any kind of established blog structure (who gives a shit anyway?).

I will be reviewing articles on major media outlets. I am a strong believer of dissecting this propaganda which is fed to us on a daily basis, and I look forward to point out some issues which I think are important for people to think about. I think its important to balance the information being processed by our minds so that we can form our own opinions, instead of just accepting what the media would have us believe is reality.

I also believe strongly in Zen and my thoughts are influenced by eastern philosophies, hence the name Zen Ziggy. Hopefully some of that will also be reflected in my upcoming posts. Feel free to comment and email me, even if it is to tell me that I am full of shit. I always welcome feedback, even if it is negative.



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