Wednesday 15 October 2008

Harper Scores a Bigger Minority Government

So the results of the Canadian Election are in. No big surprise here as Harper and his Conservative minions took the most seats (143), gaining 17 seats in this election. Thankfully, Harper will only be prime minister of a minority government.

Stephane Dion's future is being questioned, and hopefully the liberals will elect someone with a little bit more personality. Dion is a good and smart guy, but as we all now, these days you need to be charismatic as well to win elections.

Here are the final results of the election:

The results are pretty close to the election exit poll which I posted yesterday...

More readings:

Globe & Mail - Dion's Future Questioned

Globe & Mail - Harper Bets the House, Wins Another Minority

National Post - Tories Get Another Minority, But a Stronger One

National Post - Liberals Ready to Support Harper on Economy

National Post - NDP Made Gains in B.C. and Atlantic Canada

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