Wednesday 22 October 2008

Iraqis Hit Back at US Military Commanders

As I have largely ignored Iraq in my blog thus far in favour of issues more widely covered by the mainstream media, I have decided today to write a critique of recent US behaviour towards the Iraqi government.

The US Government is about to sign a pact (Status of Forces Agreement) with the Iraqi government to extend their troop presence in the country until June 30th 2011.

The US is doing its usual bullying job by attempting to intimidate the Iraqi Parliament into submission. Admiral Mullen, the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, warned that Iraq risked security losses of "significant consequence" unless it approved the deal to keep American forces in Iraq beyond the end of the year.

US Defence Secretary Robert Gates added a warning of "dramatic consequences," saying the US would have to "basically stop doing anything" if there were no Status of Forces Agreement.

At least the agreement will make US soldiers somewhat liable to the Iraqi government if they commit any serious crimes. As honorable as this seems, it will only occur in extreme cases of abuse of power, which will probably 'never' occur as US soldiers are known to be so well behaved in their operations around the world. (Please note the extreme sarcasm in my tone)

The Iraqis want to handle security in their own country (understandably so) and want the Americans to get out as fast as possible. Iraq's military spokesman Brigadier General Qassim Atta said Iraqi forces were ready to handle security across the country, noting that they already control 11 of Iraq's provinces.

But the Americans of course know best, and insist that if they leave, total chaos would reign in Iraq. Of course, with the brilliant way they handled the whole invasion, I tend to believe that the Iraqis know better about the security in their own country.

There is a great documentary on the American invasion of Iraq available on You Tube: No End in Sight. Definitely worth taking a look at.

The Long Winded Conclusion: After the US destroyed Iraq and its sovereignty, and lent it enough money to repair all the damage (at interest of course!), now they want to stay on for another 3 years to steal one of the most valuable resources the Iraqis have left: oil. Some might argue that this is the reason they went into Iraq to begin with, but be weary of mainstream media instilled ideas. The Iraq war was about much more than just oil (albeit oil was an important factor in the equation). The Iraq War was more about the next step in globalization and expansion of the global capitalist empire. It is a war designed to be sustained so that extreme government defense spending can be justified. Most of the profiteers in the war are western corporations anyway. Watch No End in Sight for more on this...

A great independent media source which covers Iraq quite often is:

More readings on the subject:

Reuters - Pentagon Seeks to Calm Concerns Over Iraq Troop Pact

Reuters - Door Nearly Closed on Iraq Troop Deal, Gates Says

BBC - Iraqis Hit Back at US Commander

Al Jazeera - US Gives Warning on Iraq Troop Pact

Bloomberg - Iraq Says Mullen's Push for U.S. Security Accord `Not Welcomed'

AFP - 'Dramatic' Consequences Without US-Iraq Troop Accord: Gates

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