Saturday 11 October 2008

What is Wrong With the World These Days?

View Original BBC Article
(Photo courtesy of AP)

So I woke up this morning hoping that I can avoid reading about the damn financial crisis for one day, but our media just won't stop until I've had my first heart-attack!

The BBC article is titled: "Bush plea for unity on global financial crisis." I wonder what that means. Its one of those 'support our troops' statements. Who can disagree with this? For more information about this, read Noam Chomsky's Media Control. Great book about how the media manipulates our opinions. Anyway, where are they going with all of this? Lately, all I seem to be reading about is: "In an interconnected world, no nation will gain by driving down the fortunes of another. We are in this together. We will come through it together."

That kind of sums up the direction this is all going in. It seems that this "togetherness" and "oneness" is the way to go forward, I mean think about it, doesn't it make sense that "we must ensure the actions of one country do not contradict or undermine the actions of another." We already have the EU, we are moving toward an NAU (North American Union) and of course there is already speak of African and Asian Unions, so the foundation is already in place...

One country acting unilaterally? We absolutely cannot have that! After all, now that almost all the political individuality has been eroded, its time for to take economic control. End result? Probably a global central bank to administer all of the individual central banks, so that this kind of shitty situation does not happen again.

The question you should be asking yourself is this: Would this shitty situation even have come about if it weren't for those Wall Street types playing with our money and bankrolling politicians all the way to the White House?

Its like monopoly, its always easier to play with someone else's money and lose it. Why do you think that when you go to a casino, you get chips instead of using your cash to play? Because its much easier to throw it all away on a crappy hand when you are using chips to play and not your own money. Think about it.

So this is it for the article review, i know its kind of brief, but I will spill more thoughts in the coming posts.

Some interesting readings to consider for today (and my take on them):

Reuters - IMF warns of financial meltdown
(Aren't we already there?? I love how they refer to the steps they are taking as necessary to avoid a global recession. More on this in an upcoming post.)

Reuters - Bush says financial crisis needs coordinated response
(More of the same "togetherness" BS)

Bloomberg - Paulson Indicates Need to Purchase Bank Equity `Soon as We Can'
(The new Tsar of the US indicates the government will now become an equity holder in banks. In other words, the government will now have a say in how these banks are run.)

Bloomberg - G-7 Commit to `All Necessary Steps' to Stem Meltdown
(Another take on the BBC article, slightly less BS though.)

International Herald & Tribune - Bush again tries to reassure Americans
(Who agrees that he should just shut up? I mean every time he opens his mouth, the market drops 100 points.)

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